Help Stop Drowning Now

About 3500 unintentional drownings (non-boating) occur every year in the US. That’s about 10 deaths per day. Drowning is the #1 cause of death in children aged 4 and under. About 1 in 5 people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.

Njswim Schools and Stop Drowning Now are actively trying to make a difference by working to require a water safety curriculum in NJ schools.

Joe Oehme of Njswim Schools is a Board member for Stop Drowning Now, the national non-profit organization that helps to promote water safety awareness.

The board has prepared an extensive on-line curriculum for educators to utilize in NJ classrooms. Njswim and Stop Drowning Now are encouraging our NJ State Assembly Members to bring Bill A-618, forward for their vote, so that it can become part of New Jersey state law.

We Need Your Support

Please join us and support the effort by writing your NJ State Assembly Member and requesting that they support Bill A-618 to require water safety instruction in NJ public schools for grades Kindergarten through 12.

Click Here to Support Assembly Bill A618

“Introducing a water safety curriculum in our schools is a great start to give people the education and awareness needed to make good decisions in and around the water,” says Oehme.

New Jersey's leader in water safety


At Njswim, we feel that water safety education is an absolute priority. Drowning is preventable if the right resources are provided to reduce the risks.


Help Support NJ State Legislation Bill A-618

This bill will require school districts to provide water safety instruction as part of New Jersey’s Student Learning Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education throughout a child’s educational experience, grades Kindergarten through 12.

Ask Your Assembly Member to Co-Sponsor Bill A-618.

We’ve made it easy to for you! Follow 3 easy steps and we will submit your email letter of support directly to your NJ State Assembly Members.

Click Here to Support Assembly Bill A618

10 people will die from unintentional drowning in the US today.

Two of these will be children aged 14 or younger.

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Sparta Studio - Open Swim
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Sparta Studio - Open Swim & Gym
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