First, please give yourself a pat on the back for enrolling your child in winter swim lessons. It is so imperative to begin to prepare for a safer summer NOW. Taking extended seasonal breaks can set a child back. In fact, a key factor of how children (and adults!)...
There are many reasons why year-round swimming is important-Below are 7 of our favorites! Safety skills are constantly reinforced throughout the lessons-this is a life skill!!! The teacher knows your child: Does your child like to be hugged? Silly Faces? Or singing...
Early exposure to the water is the best! Below are 4 key reasons to introduce your child to the water at an early age! Physical Development: Babies and Toddlers are natural swimmers due to their ability to move more freely in the water than on land. They are...
Screaming, crying and even rolling on the floor-We have seen it all! Sometimes it takes every ounce of willpower to keep it together when your child is throwing a tantrum about going to swim lessons. Here are some words of encouragement-This behavior is completely...
So this summer I, like many of you, have been enjoying the pools, ocean, rivers, (no lakes yet) and having some quality, fun swim times with my family. The public pool that we visit, like many pools has a “diving well” or deep end section which requires a certain...