How Do I Know my Child is Ready for Swim Lessons?
Do you have memories as a child where you’re splashing around in the water having fun? The sun at your back and the simple joy of spending the day in the water playing – not a care in the world. As parents, we all want our children to have these priceless memories to enjoy. Knowing the right moment to introduce them to different situations can be difficult. How are you supposed to know when your child is ready to swim? The answer is to get them started as soon as possible!

Swim Floaties Are Not the Answer
Swim floaties are a common, cheap buy to keep children afloat. It’s not uncommon for parents to purchase them before a child learns to swim, or until they become a strong enough swimmer to keep themselves above water. What many do not know is that arm floaties are...
10 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Swim School
Making the decision to enroll your child in swim school is an exciting prospect as they continue to learn and grow! Swimming is a fun, enjoyable activity that keeps kids active and helps them develop physically. When choosing the best swim school for your kids, here...