So this summer I, like many of you, have been enjoying the pools, ocean, rivers, (no lakes yet) and having some quality, fun swim times with my family. The public pool that we visit, like many pools has a “diving well” or deep end section which requires a certain caliber of swimmer to be able to join in the fun of diving sliding etc. Each pool is different and each pool has a specific set of guidelines to which the proctor of the infamous “DEEP WATER TEST” must abide
From my perspective, being a swim school owner where we focus on safety in swimming i.e. being able to swim, float to rest and then swim again, swim to the side and climb out etc… I find it interesting to watch these tests, the providers, the regulations and the parents who are encouraging these questionably swimmers to go get their deep water badge.
I get it, Johnny wants to be able to swim with his friends and Julia wants to go off of the diving board even though they may not quite be ready for it. Recently I witnessed a mom “discussing” the regulations with the pool manager and being adamant that it is so important for her child to swim in the deep water with her friends. Guess what? She wasn’t ready.
We get it all the time at Njswim. Parents want their kids to be able to swim in the deep water and “pass” the test. The only real way to do it is with practice. At Njswim we believe not only in practice but perfect practice. Meaning, our teachers take the time during their safety swim lessons, to ensure that the students are using proper body mechanics, buoyancy position, breathe control etc. every lesson and every turn. You see, you can practice something wrong over and over and it becomes engrained in your muscle memory until the practice is difficult to repair. (Any golfers out there?? You know what I mean). It’s the same with swimming – that’s why it’s so important to continue with regular lessons, especially during the summer months when skills go out the window because they are free swimming.
It is the same with our safer swimming practices – Our lessons are a constant reminder of what to do without having to think about it. Summer safety comes with continued organized swim lessons. Sure we want all of our swimmers to enjoy all the fun that comes with learning to swim. We want them to jump off diving boards, go for surf, stand up paddle etc. That’s why we do what we do.
So the next time your swimmer wants to go into an area designated for stronger swimmers, please ensure that they are ready.
Intensive summer swim lessons are still available for the remainder of July and through August. To register for a location near you, click here or download our APP