So recently I have been reading more and more blogs and seems like this is a really cool way to get information on certain topics – and we have really been making an effort on developing this area of our website and communication in the social media world. We want to provide you, our families and fans (don’t like the term followers) with some quality information, that is brief enough not to bore you and informative enough to keep you engaged.
I am so pleased to have had the privilege of teaching swimming lessons as not only a profession but as a vocation for the last 25 years. The decision to make this my only source of income in 2001 was questionable at best and not very popular among those closest to me at the time. It certainly has been a journey, filled with obstacles and rewards, the proverbial roller coaster of emotions that comes with small business. The evolution of my journey after 15 years of living the learn to float philosophy – has brought me to a wonderful place in my career. I have worn a lot of hats as many small business owners do, and now that hat is being juggled in the air and landing on the heads of those who surround me. Now, the young adults who first started working with me, have made this experience their own and vice versa. I have been learning so much from listening to my team, teach their teams and so on. I thought it would be cool to do something different to celebrate this 15-year milestone.
I have commissioned my team leaders, my crew, my round table to provide some of their experience from the front lines (the pool steps) and give them a turn at the helm to develop some new and interesting reading materials and perspective on the topic of safer swimming and the Njswim methodology. And in fine blog form, here are the top five reasons why sharing the light from the managers’ perspective is good for the world.
1. Perspective is reality.
When we have our monthly global (all locations) meeting we dedicate a time for each meeting to share any obstacles or issues we are having and give insight based on experience from each location on how to best address the situations. I often find myself saying that “perspective is reality” and what people see to be true is indeed true to them. We have to take a look from the other persons eyes to really find a solution to the issues. When we adjust the perspective we are able to gain clarity.
2. Sharing is caring.
We like to think that we have put ourselves in position through our 15 years of experience as a sort of veterans in the field of running swimming lessons. A good portion of that knowledge and experience comes from putting in the time. But for the most part, everything we do is learned from someone else. We wanted to take that experience and pass it on to our fans.
3. Evolve or Perish.
When we first decided that we were going to create a program that offered small group, quality swim lessons, the term Social Media really wasn’t common. Blogging sounded like something you do after a few too many cocktails and Facebook was my high school year book – so I thought. Being one of the oldest Njswim employees, I am happy to say that we are riding this wave of social media and keeping up with all of the virtual trends. Not bad for a guy who crossed over from a typewriter to a word processor in college.
4. Earn your strength.
You may have heard us use this term in the pool for those beginner swimmers, who we encourage (push) just enough to make them realize that with a little more effort, you can achieve great things. When I first mentioned to my team that they would all take a part in the creative explanation and the benefits of our program through social media blogs – I was met with he same face that we see on our 5 year olds who are asked to do something they never did before. As time went on, the discovery of these insights was very refreshing for not only the reader, but the authors of the pieces that we will share. Enlightening.
5. Sharing the vision.
I read more than a few book that speak to the leader’s ability to create a shared vision, or common belief of what the future will bring for the team, the company, the public etc. Every day, we talk about the vision for ourselves and how to drive certainty into life in order for that vison to become reality. We really do it every day with our swim lessons and with our teams. In this exercise of sharing the blogs – we are also driving certainty that every author you will read, shares the same vision for Njswim. Gratifying.
We hope you enjoy the upcoming Managers perspective series of Blogs that we are sharing with you and we are grateful to even have an audience after 15 years. If you are reading this message, we thank you for making swimming safer a priority for your family. And we thank you for making Njswim your choice for quality swim lessons!